Welcome to the Keystone Health Office!
Michele Gentilcore, RN, MSN - 267-599-2473 or 2490
Certified School Nurse
Jessica Williamson - 267-599-2496
Staff Nurse
Our fax number is 215-788-1516
Our email addresses are:
[email protected]
[email protected]
General Information:
Our office is open daily from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM
Recommendations from the health office if your child is not feeling well.
Emergency cards (8.5" x 11") are sent out in September. If your student did not receive one, please notify our office and we will provide one to you. Emergency cards give us important information regarding your student's medical history, allergies, and emergency contact information so we can reach you in the event of an emergency. The reverse side also gives you the ability to give permission to treat your student and administer certain over-the-counter medications to support your student during the school day.
If your student has a change in their health status, if they are coming to school with crutches, a cast or other orthopedic device, or if they are starting a new medication please notify us at 267-599-2473.
Medications in school:
When in school, students are not permitted to carry medication of any kind on them or in their book bags. A medication dispensing form must be completed by the physician and parent for any student who may require medications to be given during the school day (not including those listed on the blue emergency card). These forms are available in the health office. Please call us at 267-599-2473 and we will provide a form for your student. Or you can click this link and print one out: MEDICATION FORM
K - 12 Mandated Yearly School Screenings:
Pennsylvania requires all school-aged children receive screening services for height, weight, vision, and in K-3, hearing during the school year. If your student failed a screening, you will receive a referral from us via mail. If you have any questions once you receive this notice, please call 267-599-2473 and we will be happy to discuss your student's results and formulate a plan to best support your student.
KG-(or entry into school):
Pennsylvania requires all students entering school for the first time to have a physical examination. If you do not submit proof of a physical exam before October 1st your student will be examined by our school physician at no cost to you. If you wish your student to have their exam with their primary physician but it won’t be done before October 1st, please notify us. The Physical Exam forms are available in the health office. Please call our office and we will provide a form for your student. Or you can click this link and print one out: PHYSICAL FORM
Required Immunizations for school. (Please click here)
KG (or entry into school) and 3rd Grade:
Pennsylvania requires all students entering school for the first time and 3rd Graders to have a dental examination. If you do not submit proof of a dental exam before October 1st your student will be examined by our school dentist at no cost to you. If you wish your student to have their exam with their own dentist but it won’t be done by October 1st, please notify us. The Dental Exam forms are available in the health office. Please call our office and we will provide a form for your student. Or you can click this link and print one out: DENTAL FORM
Looking for Health Insurance Coverage for Your Child?
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a state- and federally-funded health insurance program that provides health insurance coverage to all children who meet eligibility guidelines and are residents of Pennsylvania.
No family makes too much for a child to enroll in a Keystone HMO CHIP product! Family size and household income will determine if a child is eligible for free, low-cost, or full-cost Keystone HMO CHIP insurance.
Learn more here: https://www.ibx.com/find-a-plan/individuals-and-families/ibx-health-plans/chip
We are dedicated nurses who collectively have over 50 years experience in working with children. We find that many of the minor “ills” we see daily can be remediated with good nutrition, including a healthy breakfast, adequate hydration, and a consistently appropriate amount of sleep.
Ours is a partnership with parents and guardians so please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.