Welcome to Keystone Elementary School
Chromebook Insurance
Supply Lists for 2024-2025 School Year
Weekly Newsletter
We are looking for photos that could be considered to be included in our weekly newsletter. If you have any photos from the first day/week of school and/or photos showing the social skill tip of the week (managing emotions, emotions check ins, labeling feelings), please feel free to email them to keystonenewsletter@bristoltwpsd.org .
Reading Olympics Lists
2024-25 Elementary List - Grades 4 -5
2024-25 Middle School List - Grades 6-8
Registration for 2024-2025
Kindergarten Registration - Contact Marianne Mensinger at 267-599-2486 to schedule an appointment. Please click on the link for the information and forms needed.
Grades 1 - 5 Registration -Contact Marianne Mensinger at 267-599-2486 to schedule an appointment.
Change of Address Form (Click here)
This form is for anyone currently attending Keystone Elementary School that is moving to a new home within the district.
Please complete and return to Marianne Mensinger.
Email: [email protected]
Forms from the Nurse
District Flyers

Information for Car Rider Pick-up and Walker Pick-up
Please click here for school procedures for the CARLINE and WALKERS. This includes a full explanation of the difference between the two ways of dismissal.
Please review the SNACK POLICY for Keystone.
Link for the BTSD Parent Portal (Click Here)
Any difficulties with the parent portal please email:
[email protected]
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Click Here for information.
Amazon Smile