1800 Keystone Street, Croydon, PA 19021 267-599-2470
Mark Wilicki – Principal
Aaron Quarterman - Vice Principal

Arrival, Dismissal and Breakfast Procedures for Bristol Township Elementary Schools for the 2020-2021 School Year
Arrival Procedures
- We expect students to be in their classrooms by 9:20. Students arriving after 9:20 will be considered late and Parents/ Guardians will need to sign students in at the front desk.
- Students walking or being dropped off should arrive no earlier than 9:05 a.m. unless eating breakfast (see below). Students will be admitted into classrooms at 9:10 a.m. for the start of school.
- Parents/Guardians dropping off students should enter the drop off loop, off of Church Street, and continue all the way up to the Library entrance. All traffic is one-way. You will exit out at the Tulip Street exit.
- Students should exit all vehicles from the passenger side only. Parents, please remain in your car. If your child is coming to school late, please bring your child into school to sign him/her in.
Breakfast Procedures
- Students who wish to have breakfast should arrive at 8:50AM and enter through the main entrance.
- Bussers will receive breakfast upon their arrival to school.
Bus Riders
- We strongly recommend that you escort your child to the bus stop and wait for them to board the bus. In addition, it is encouraged that you introduce yourself to the bus driver at some point. It is also strongly encouraged that you pick your child up from the bus stop through 5th grade. Kindergarten, First Grade and some Special Needs students must be met by parent, guardian or older responsible sibling.
- Please refer to the student handbook regarding bus policies. Transportation is a privilege. Students who act in an unsafe or disrespectful manner will lose that privilege.
Dismissal Procedures
- Dismissal begins at 3:45 p.m. Early excusals must follow the procedures as established in the Parent/Student Handbook. Dismissals after 2:45 p.m. will not be granted unless an emergency situation exists.
- Should you need to pick your child up before 2:45 p.m., written notice is required, along with proper ID. We cannot accept phone calls for early dismissals.
- Students who are walkers are expected to cross with the crossing guard at the designated places.
- Parents/Guardians picking up students should enter the parent pick-loop from the Church St. entrance.
- Vehicles are not permitted in the pick up line until 2:15 p.m.
- Notify the school if you are running late. Repeated late pick ups will result in a parent principal conference.
- Students who are bussed will leave via the back bus exit and will be assisted by teachers and staff.
- If your child is not riding the bus on any given day and will be picked up, he/she must give a written note to the classroom teacher, which will be forwarded to the main office.
Our goal is to keep our students and staff safe at all times. Thank you for your support. Please call if you have any questions or concerns.
Dismissal Information:
If your child is a Walker: Students will wait in the front lobby at the end of the day and a parent/guardian will park and proceed to walk to the main entrance at the flagpole to pick them up. Older students who live nearby may also walk home if parent permission was given to the classroom teacher or main office. Students will not be dismissed as a walker to the parking lot as it is not safe for them to walk in the parking lot without adult supervision.
If your child is a Car Rider: Students wait in the lobby near the library for a parent/guardian to arrive. Parents will drive around in the car line that begins at Church Street and wraps around to the library entrance. To be fair and courteous to others, parents/guardians are required to remain in their vehicles until their child is dismissed.
**(PLEASE AVOID BLOCKING THE DRIVEWAYS OF THE CHURCH STREET RESIDENTS)** Our goal is to dismiss all students in a safe and timely manner. Thank you so much for your support.