The School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) is a universal, school-wide prevention program that aims to establish a social culture within schools in which students expect and support appropriate behavior from one another.
Code of Conduct

School Rule Posters
Schoolwide Parent Brochure
Keystone students have the opportunity to earn Paw Prints/Points throughout the day to use for monthly school wide activities.
Principal's 200 Club

10 special PAW tickets are given out by 10 random staff members each day. Students who earn a ticket will come to the office to draw a random number from a hat to put their special ticket onto that spot on the Principal's 200 board.
Once a row is filled.. like Bingo.. the students who have a ticket in that row will win a prize. One student in that row will win a grand prize of lunch with the Principal. The board will be cleared and will start all over again the following month.
Fall Sale is Complete. Orders should be delivered in 4 to 6 weeks.
Thank you for your support!